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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Discussion : Too young for makeup: Tweens should toss the mascara

Peggy Orenstein, author of "Cinderella Ate My Daughter: Dispatches from the Front Lines of the New Girlie-Girl Culture," She writes that nearly half of 6-year-old girls regularly use lipstick or lip gloss. The percentage of 8- to -12-year-old girls wearing eyeliner or mascara has doubled in the past two years, she reports. The top product sellers for tweens are lip gloss, eye shadow and mascara.

What’s your take on little girls who wear lip gloss and other make-up products? Aisha Sultan, Home and Family Editor of the St. Louis Post Dispatch wrote an interesting article on the subject. It goes without saying, we love those who love our lip gloss. However, we think little girls should always be given an opportunity to be little girls for as long as possible!  - xoxox

Read Aisha Sultan’s article HERE!

1 comment:

  1. As a father, I've never had a problem with my daughter wearing lip gloss. No disprepect to the women who wear gloss, but I've always considered lip gloss to be "lipstick for little girls." My mom would let my nieces wear it to keep them out of her other makeup. Gloss doesn't age a girl the way lipstick and does. You can clearly tell my daughter is seven...shiny lips and all.
