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Thursday, January 5, 2012


UPDATE: This Inspiring Laugh SHINE Repeat profile was originally posted in February of last year. Since then our friend Daniele Thomas has gotten extremely weak and is on life support. The North Carolina resident and mother of two has been living with a mixed connective tissue disorder for years. Her disease has an unknown origin and has destroyed a great deal of lung function and usage of her joints.

We are extremely moved by Daniele’s courage, strength and ability to stand tall in the midst of so much pain and adversity. We’ve reposted her story in hopes others will remember her through thoughts and prayers and be educated on mixed connective tissue disorders.

"I wish people could achieve what they think would bring them happiness in order for them to realize that it's not really what happiness is.” - Alanis Morrisette

We are inspired by the life of Daniele Thomas; a beautiful mother of two from North Carolina. To us, Daniele epitomizes what it means to be a Laugh SHINE Repeat woman. While Daniele suffers from a mixed connective tissue disorder that is destroying her lungs and limiting the usage of her joints, she stands firm in the face of adversity and pain. Daniele desperately needs a double lung transplant to survive but has decided no matter what happens in her life she WILL always SHINE.

Daniele is an extremely courageous, irrepressibly upbeat and inspiring young woman. Those who know Daniele best say being in her presence lifts their spirits sky-high. Simply put, Daniele is the gold standard by which character should be measured.

Keep going, Daniele! We admire you greatly! - xoxox

To learn more about Daniele Thomas, Mixed Connective Tissue Disorder or to be of help to a deserving Laugh SHINE Repeat woman, click HERE!

LSR: Growing up, what was your favorite fairy tale or children’s story?
Daniele Thomas: My favorite children's fairy tale is Cinderella. It's just so magical and enchanting. I love that unexpectedly she meets her Prince Charming and they fall in love. And even though people tried to keep them apart, he's determined to find his Princess and marry her and they live happily ever after. Now I know its a fairy tale, but Im secretly waiting on my Prince Charming. ;)

LSR: If you were a super hero, what powers would you possess?

Daniele Thomas: I would want the power to heal. And not just because of my situation (although it would come in really handy right now ;) )I feel no one should lose control of their body to a life-altering disease. Oh, and I'd have to fly of course ;)

LSR: What can’t you get enough of?

Daniele Thomas: My babies... The time that I spend with them is so precious to me. Every laugh, every smile, every giggle melts my heart. I can't wait!

LSR: What do you value most in life?

Daniele Thomas: Holidays. I love it when family and friends get together and just... LIVE. Break out the games, get a couple of drinks, and make great unforgettable memories and capture as many as you can on film. I absolutely LOVE being surrounded by family.

LSR: Is there a quote, scripture or mantra you live by?

Daniele Thomas: "I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together."

LSR: Who are your role models?

Daniele Thomas: All the strong women in my family. My grandmother, who is the head of us all was born and raised in France and didn't come to the USA until she was 21, speaking ONLY French. She had four boys and two FABULOUS girls. My mother and my aunt are two VERY strong women in their own different ways. I am very blessed to have been raised by my mother and also experienced a moment when I lived with my aunt my freshman year of high school. My sister is a very strong and independent young woman. And then of course, there's my favorite: my daughter. Even though she is only three, she is surrounded by four generations of impeccable women.

LSR:You have won a prize. The prize has two options, and you can choose either (but not both). The first option is a year in Europe with a monthly stipend of $2,000. The second option is ten minutes on the moon. Which option do you select?

Daniele Thomas: Wait wait wait... First thing's first... Can my kids come with me cause if so, oh you can send me to Europe in a heartbeat and send me a postcard of the moon ;-) There are so many places that I would love to go and experience in Europe and I would love for my children to experience the culture as well.

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