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Friday, January 27, 2012

What would you do if a hot guy asked to borrow your lip gloss?

So, you see a hot guy walking towards you at a party and your heart starts fluttering. He comes closer and leans against you, dazzling you with his smile. He's so FINE! Your knees are shaky. Then he whispers, "Can I borrow some of your lip gloss?" You ask, "What did you say?" It's an awkward moment but in a blink of an eye, your knight in shining armor is now wearing Go Bare by Laugh SHINE Repeat... and he's straight.

Believe it or not, incidents like this are not uncommon. When The Deacon Chronicle asked a few guys about the things too embarrassing to buy and the interesting items they've borrowed from a girl, they had plenty to say. "I borrowed strawberry lip gloss because my lips were chapped. it worked well and even tasted good," laughs Rahil, a software professional. "I also borrow Kajal sometimes to make my eyes look intense," he adds.

Nishanth, a consultant says,"I once borrowed chapstick and sunscreen lotion. It was a sunny day, so you can't blame me! I also wore a girl's bag and sunglasses all night at a party just for fun." Numan, an engineer, quips, "I am guilty of borrowing moisturizers quite often. Also, I was in urgent need of sports shoes and one day and borrowed them from a female friend. Thankfully, the shoes weren't too girly."

Take our poll question on the right side of the blog and tell us, "What would you do if a hot guy asked to borrow your lip gloss?" Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comment section below. Who knows, maybe we should add a "man gloss" to the Laugh SHINE Repeat line! - xoxo

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